Eat The Way You Want
There are many ways you can eat during your feasting times. The best way to eat is the way you can follow. It also depends on your goals. If your goal is to lose fat, it might be Keto or low carb. If it’s gut health, it might be no refined sugar or low FODMAP. There are more than 100 different eating styles. It is no wonder that it would be confusing how to eat.
If you are looking for what you can have when you are fasting then see this post on What Can I Have When I Intermittent Fast.
The Most Important Thing is Don’t Worry
Using a 90% rule is usually the best. Eat 90% clean whole foods and don’t worry about the rest. The problem with the “worry” is that you add cortisol which may stop your fat burning during fasting times.
Make a Choice and Experiment
Choose which eating style you want and follow it to see how it makes you feel. If it is Keto or low carb to help with fat loss, good- try it out. If it is anti-inflammatory or gut health, good – try it out.
It doesn’t have to be a crazy experiment of recording everything unless you enjoy that. Pick a few things to record every day or couple of days.
Maybe it’s weight, energy level, sleep time, or how rested you feel in the morning. It could be calories or macros. Just make sure it’s not something you are obsessing over or stressing about. If so consider a different measure.
Work with the eating style you choose for a least 2 weeks to get a good idea of if it works for you and how you feel.
Intermittent Fasting is Your Experiment
If this is your first month of intermittent fasting, then fasting is your experiment. Record how fasting makes you feel. You can eat as you did before you started fasting during feasting times. Sometimes it is better not to change a bunch of things at once.
Make intermittent fasting a habit first. Then decide on your next level up to your health. It is easier on you and your body to make small changes. It is more likely that you will keep healthier habits if you make the small changes.
I hope this helps you to make changes you love for your life. If you want to start intermittent fasting then grab my free Easy Guide to Intermittent Fasting and decide how fasting will work in your life.