Kick Sugar Cravings to the Curb

Do you want to kick your manipulative Sugar friend to the curb? Take the Sugar Addiction Quiz and Join me for 5 Days in the Kick Sugar Cravings to the Curb Facebook Group.

Did you just look in the mirror and realize you have the pandemic 10 or 20 and know that it is from eating to much sugar. I understand. We have been taught most of our lives to sooth ourselves with a treat. Some of us were never taught to eat anything else but sugar laden processed foods.

Join me for 5 Days in the Kick Sugar Cravings to the Curb Facebook Group.

  • The Group Runs Monday May 17 through Friday May 21, 2021.  
  • You will increase your motivation to cut sugar with information about sugar and how it impacts your body.
  • You will remove sugar cravings with tips and tricks.
  • You will learn how to make a low or no sugar chocolate mousse.
  • You will learn what helps remove cravings that are a physical need for nutrients or intestinal imbalance.
  • You will learn what helps remove cravings that may be an emotional need and other ways to sweeten your life.  

I will be checking in the group to answer questions everyday.

If this is something you need then click the button below to receive emails with the Sugar Addiction Quiz to find if your cause of Sugar Cravings is physical, emotional, or both and a link to the Kick Sugar Cravings to the Curb Facebook Group. 

You can join in if you don’t do Facebook and receive the info and ask questions by email.