Improve Your Health Habits

Improve Your Health Habits

Your Healthy Habits

Your Health is improved by your habits.  If you choose to do one small step at a time you get closer to the person you want to be.  Making that choice to create one small habit at a time becomes a big change in your life. 

You can go from eating sugar to eating less sugar or eating sugar on certain days or occasions. Then to only eating refined sugar for birthday parties or even bring your own food that has no sugar to any party or event.

You always have a choice to create habits that bring you closer to your health goal. 

Example Habit Change

What if you wanted to start intermittent fasting.  You can change when you eat one hour at a time.  That change can last as long as you want until you decide to add another hour of fasting. 

Eventually, you could be intermittent fasting 16 hours a day without much concern or cravings during it because you will have gotten into the habit of that change in your life. 

Yes, this applies to many things, not just health.  But all your habits could be put in a category of things that bring you toward or away from better health. 

Improve Your Health With Habits in All Areas of Life

Think of your exercise habits, driving habits, eating habits, stress-relieving habits, emotional resilience habits, and relationship habits.

You already have habits related to all the things you do in life. 

Hopefully, after seeing some of my posts you know that I see health through the lens of not just what you eat and how you move but also how your career, relationships, physical environment, joy and spirituality impact your health. 

Your Thoughts and Feelings About Your Life Impact Your Health

It is all related.  You get to choose what job you have but if it is not a satisfying job or you think you are stuck in it, you will harbor negative feelings in your body and that will impact your health.

If you are in a relationship that has a lot of anger and yelling then that will impact your body and your health.

Any situation that you are in that can be causing stress and make your body feel like it is under stress turns on your sympathetic nervous system and puts you into the fight, flight, or freeze mode. 

This takes the resources away from the necessary maintenance your body needs and pulls them to the muscles and lungs to help you fight, run from or hide from a tiger or lion or bear, oh my.

So What Can You Do?

Create habits that help you move toward your goals.

One of the most important habits is to take time to think about your thoughts and feelings.

From the situation above, you feel stuck in a job.  Feeling stuck doesn’t serve you, it negatively impacts your body and health.

If you are not able to quit that job and get one that you enjoy more, then the next best thing is to think differently about it.

Are you stuck in the job? Or are you providing for your family while searching for your true passion?

Are you not able to control your anger and yelling in your relationship? Or are you learning how to be in a relationship without yelling when you are angry?

Just the Goods Sister

Improve your health habits by choosing to create habits that help you move toward your goals in small incremental steps.

Create the habit of taking time to think about what you are thinking and feeling so that you move away from habits and thoughts that negatively impact your health.

If you would like help in defining your health goals then meet me on a clarity call and see if your next habit is having someone to be there to support and encourage you with your health.

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Hi, I'm Michelle!

I help women lose weight without the fear of gaining it back.  I live in El Paso, Texas with my husband Mark, my three children, and dogs, Sky and Kahlua. You often find me on my morning walk or on the back patio listening to the waterfall.

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