Gratitude is the Reason for the Season

Gratitude is the Reason for the Season

Gratitude is the Reason for the Season

Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated by Canadians and Americanís. Though the origins are different, the sentiment is essentially the same.

Thanksgiving is a day set apart to celebrate the bounty and blessings of the year. Reminding us to be thankful for the abundance and wonderful things that have happened.

In America, there are a lot of traditions that go hand-in-hand with Thanksgiving.

Football, The Macyís Thanksgiving Day parade, and large dinners with turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie.

These are certainly things to be thankful for, but there’s plenty of other reasons to be grateful this time of year too.

Planning for the Thanksgiving holiday can be stressful. The costs associated with a big meal and hosting family can be overwhelming. There can be added stress if the holiday comes when life is chaotic.

The holidays shouldn’t be burdensome. When you’re struggling to find joy, it’s important to center yourself and get back to the reason for the season.

Thanksgiving is about Gratitude

Being grateful is a wonderful state of mind.

Finding things to be grateful for can be hard when there’s too much pulling at you.

You needn’t feel obligated to make the holiday a big show. Thanksgiving can be as simple as a small meal shared by immediate friends and family or as extravagant as a full traditional spread shared by everyone on your contacts list.

It isn’t about the food it’s about setting aside time to be grateful for the bounty you’ve experienced this year.


You can Show your Gratitude in Many Ways

Being Grateful can be an Inward or Outward Experience

Some people use Thanksgiving as a time to publicly share the people and things they are grateful for. It’s common to take time and give thanks for the abundance each person has before enjoying a meal.

It is a wonderful time to encourage younger family members to express their gratitude and help them understand the importance of being thankful.

There are Powerful Inward Expressions of Gratitude

Keeping a gratitude journal can be a wonderful way to express your personal thanksgiving without having to speak out publicly.

Art, poetry, and other creative outlets are a great way to show your thanks during Thanksgiving and all year round.

Show Gratitude by Sharing What You Have

You can also show your gratitude by sharing your resources. From donating to a local food pantry to spending quality time with loved ones, there are plenty of ways to show how thankful you are and how much you care.


Gratitude the Reason for the Season Your Way

Make gratitude the reason for the season in your own way.  Choose what works best for you whether inward or outward expressions or sharing your time or resources.

Thanksgiving is a season dedicated to being grateful and celebrating the bounty that life has offered.

Be sure to focus on what is right in your world and being grateful for all the blessings you have.

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Hi, I'm Michelle!

I help women lose weight without the fear of gaining it back.  I live in El Paso, Texas with my husband Mark, my three children, and dogs, Sky and Kahlua. You often find me on my morning walk or on the back patio listening to the waterfall.

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