Eat Real Food

Eat Real Food Improved Health Challenge Day 4

Welcome to the Simple Steps to Improved Health Challenge Day 4  Eat Real Food

Reminder to choose 1 of the first two actions to work on this week starting today or whatever day you want the week to start on for you.  See Day 1 for more information about the challenge.

How Does Eating Real Food Improve Health

The greatest benefit to eating real food is the high nutritional value that helps your body to function such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants.  Another great benefit is that by eating more real foods you decrease the processed foods that can contribute to diseases. 

Eating more real foods helps to keep you satisfied and decrease cravings.  Most real foods are lower in sugar and if the food is not low in sugar such as fruit, it contains fiber which helps to slow the absorption of the sugar causing lower blood sugar spikes. 

Blood sugar becomes more stable with real foods which decrease cravings and maintaining more stable energy levels instead of energy spikes and lows.

Real Food is good for your skin, gut, and teeth.  Benefits local farmers and uses fewer pesticides. 

Though it may seem like it costs more, it might cost less because you will buy less and eat less with fewer cravings and energy lows as well as benefits that may occur with less disease.  That means possibly less medication and fewer medical visits for symptoms.

How to Take Action to Eat Real Food

The main thing to know is yourself. 

Are you a jump right in or start slow type of person?  You can start slow by replacing one meal every week or two with a real food meal to find meals that you enjoy and want to have more in your life. 

You can jump right in and replace everything in your pantry with real foods.  Then get a real food cookbook and go at it.

Either way, choose your way to add real foods to your diet.

Go Do it Eat Real Food

Understand that as a bio-individual your body may not like certain foods.  Some people have trouble with dairy or are allergic to nuts.  Sometimes it is an intolerance to foods. 

Some people are vegetarian or vegan and don’t eat proteins like meat, pork, or chicken.  Others don’t eat fish or eggs.  Whichever way you choose to eat based on your beliefs and personal choices, increase the amount of nonprocessed real foods in your daily life.

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Hi, I'm Michelle!

I help women lose weight without the fear of gaining it back.  I live in El Paso, Texas with my husband Mark, my three children, and dogs, Sky and Kahlua. You often find me on my morning walk or on the back patio listening to the waterfall.

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