are you sure you want to change

Are You Sure You Want to Change?

You Are Not Making Changes

What brought you here?  Most likely you are searching for some way to improve your health or body and that search turned up this post.  But are you sure you want to change?  Change is not easy and takes some time to develop new habits.  New habits can be made easier with tricks but are not always easy to establish.  

Do You Really Want to Change? 

Are you willing to put in the time and effort to make the changes that establish habits toward what you want?  

What is your goal?  Maybe it’s to lose 50 pounds, improve a disease, or stop your nagging cough.  If could be to be in a better situation financially, have a better relationship with your kids or spouse, or work in a more fulfilling job.  

No matter what it is, you need to know why you want it and be straight with yourself about whether you want to do what it takes.

You Have Two Choices

You have two choices once you know that you want something.

Choice One

One, you can decide it is too much to change and choose to not do it.  The important thing with this choice is to like your decision.  Once you decide that you are not willing to do the work to lose 50 pounds or improve your relationship or search for a more fulfilling job, then be done with it.  Stop running it over and over in your head and beating yourself up over your decision. 

The second part of that decision can be a “not now.”  Add a reminder to your calendar to review your choice and decide if you want to move forward with that want or to hold off for another 6 months or longer.  There is no shame in being at a time and place in which you cannot make big changes.  The key is that every time your brain or critical self brings it back up, you tell yourself that it’s handled and on the list for later and move on in your thoughts.  Because beating yourself up over and over again about it will stress you out and make your health worse.  Changing your thoughts takes practice but you can do it.

Choice Two

Choice two is to decide to change.  Whatever that change is you can do it.  The change you want may not happen exactly when you want it to.  Yes, we all wish to wave a wand and have our goal come true.  Since the world doesn’t have magic wands for our use, we’ll just have to move forward with our brains. 

Our brain is where that change you want starts.  One, you need to believe you can do it.  Two, you need to understand that you will have bumps in the road.  Three, you need to keep going anyway.  

No matter what change you want to make it starts the same with the belief.  Once you truly believe you can you will.  Because in that I can belief, you will know that means you will do it no matter what happens along the path. 

You may lose 10 pounds and gain a few back.  Research helps you find a job you think will be perfect but once you’re in it you find out that it is not what you want.  An emergency may require you to use a credit card you just paid off.  These bumps in the road may seem like failure but they are just another step in your journey.  

If your belief is that you will lose 50 pounds then you can continue to fight for it.  When you want to pay off all your credit cards, then you will continue to work towards it.  You will research other jobs and find one that meets the need that the other one didn’t fulfill.  

Take that First Step.  Believe You Can.  

If you would like help moving forward with your goal, then go here to schedule a consultation call with me so we can determine if we are a good fit to help you through making the changes you want in your life.  

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Hi, I'm Michelle!

I help women lose weight without the fear of gaining it back.  I live in El Paso, Texas with my husband Mark, my three children, and dogs, Sky and Kahlua. You often find me on my morning walk or on the back patio listening to the waterfall.

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