Clean eating may be a new term in health but it is essentially finding what whole foods work for you and your body. Here are 9 ways to help you make clean eating work for you.
1. Make Small Changes
Making small changes consistently allows you to form habits that become part of your lifestyle. I recommend starting with small changes and anchoring those changes to a habit you already have. If you always take a break at 3 pm then have an apple sitting on your desk for that break time when you are trying to eat more fruit.
2. Choose Minimally Processed Foods.
Many processed and packaged foods contain added sugar, sodium, preservatives, artificial colors, and stabilizers. Some go through processes that remove fiber and nutrients, add chemicals, or break down the food in physical processes. It is important to check the ingredients list on any processed and packaged foods so you know what has been added to the food.
3. Eat More Vegetables and Fruits
The majority of Americans never get the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Fruits and vegetables have so many good micronutrients and antioxidants that support body functions. Your health improves when your body is able to remove toxins and reset processes that happen with some of the micronutrients. People who get 5 servings a day seem to be healthier with less disease risk.
4. Read Labels
If you do get any packaged foods, you need to look at the food label. For meats, you are looking for if it is grass-fed and grass-finished. Eggs and chicken, you are looking for pasture-raised. Look for raw nuts. You can roast them yourself in a healthier oil with low temperatures. Check the ingredients to make sure you are getting only the ingredients you want. Many packaged products will have added sugar or salt, preservatives, and stabilizers. For example, many kinds of shredded cheeses have mold inhibitors and cornstarch to prevent caking. Consider a block of cheese and shred it yourself.
5. Choose Healthy Fats
Choosing healthier fats especially those rich in omega-3s is a good starting point. Some good choices for omega-3s include flaxseed oil, canola oil, and walnut oil. Other healthier oils include olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil.
6. Drink Your Water
Whatever you are drinking, you need to check that it doesn’t contain ingredients you were not expecting. Try not to get drinks in plastic bottles because the plastic can leach into the liquid especially when heated such as in a car on a warm day. Your tap water is generally cleaner than bottled water but you can have it tested to check what is contaminating it. You can add a filter for your tap water if the tests indicate contamination. This also helps if you make coffee and tea from your tap water. Remember to check the label on drinks that you purchase to check for added ingredients like sugar, flavors, and artificial colors.
7. Snack on Whole Foods
Snacking is often a time when you end up choosing something packaged with little nutritional value. Crakers, bars, chips, and snack mixes are highly processed and often contain added sugar, vegetable oils, and refined grains. Try having fresh fruits and vegetables on hand for snacking. Nute and seeds are also good choices.
8. Limit Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates are highly processed. The grain is separated to remove the oils and fiber that are part of the whole grain. This refined flour is linked to inflammation, insulin resistance, and obesity. Whole grains such as sprouted grains and oatmeal may reduce inflammation and promote gut health.
9. Get Support and Encouragement
Changing what you eat to improve your health can sometimes seem like a daunting task. You will have ups and downs in the process. Some foods may not work for you that you want to eat. Sometimes it is hard to try foods that you think you won’t like or that you have never prepared before. It is always helpful to have someone in your corner supporting and encouraging your efforts towards improved health. If you are looking for a coach or want to know more about how a coach can help you then schedule a free consultation call to see if we fit as a team on your health journey.