Are you addicted to Sugar

Are You Addicted to Sugar?

Are You Addicted to Sugar?

How do you know if you are addicted to sugar?  Most Americans are addicted or have been addicted to sugar.  It is just so easy to be because sugar is in about 75% of the packaged items on your grocery shelves.  Sugar is hiding everywhere.

The process of sugar impacting the dopamine and serotonin hormones causing that high good feeling in your brain makes it hard not to be addicted.

There are three ways I want to discuss that lead toward sugar addiction and cravings.

Nutrient Deficiency

Vitamin and mineral deficiency impact cravings.  One example is vitamin D.  Low vitamin D is related to insulin resistance, fat storage, and sugar cravings.  When you are eating more sugar, you are eating less nutrient-dense foods to help with your body’s everyday functions.

Digestion or Intestinal Imbalance

Your gut plays a role in causing and crushing cravings.  Bacteria, viruses, and fungus in your gut cause imbalances in your digestive system.  There are bacteria that love sugar.  Those bacteria will produce more sugar-loving bacteria and all together those bacteria ask you for more of what they love, Sugar!

Many sugar and carb cravings have nothing to do with willpower.  It’s a matter of blood sugar balance, hormones, and your body chemistry.


We were taught to soothe ourselves with sugar.  Whenever we were sad or in pain we were given a treat.  A popsicle at the dentist’s office.  A sucker at the doctor’s office. A piece of candy when we hurt our leg.

Whenever we were celebrating, it was with food.  Ice cream when our team won the game or lost the game.  Special meals and desserts for holidays.  Birthday cake.

It felt good to get that treat and it hit our brains with a nice rush of feel-good hormones.  Our brains said we need more of that.  That became our habit for sad and glad emotions.

What to Do?

Take the Sugar Addiction Quiz.  Answer the questions and find out if you have more of a physical or emotional need for sugar.  Then join the Kick Sugar Cravings to the Curb Facebook group to learn tips and tricks for sugar cravings.

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Hi, I'm Michelle!

I help women lose weight without the fear of gaining it back.  I live in El Paso, Texas with my husband Mark, my three children, and dogs, Sky and Kahlua. You often find me on my morning walk or on the back patio listening to the waterfall.

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